iNotes for iPad

4.1 ( 3751 ratings )
الأدوات المساعدة الإنتاجية
المطور: Anson Li
3.99 USD

iNotes for iPad provides users one of the most comprehensive note taking experience on your iPad.

User Feedbacks:
"Hi Folks. Just wanted to tell you all what a great product you have. I tried out a number of notepads and iNotes beats them all So Id like to know if I will be able to have this great product on iPhone any time soon."
-- Jay

"This is the best notes app I have found so far"
-- Smith

With iNotes for iPad, users can type text, draw lines to annotate the text, drawing charts by hand, or take picture of your important bill, slip on the desk. The beautiful designed UI focus on the paper, your note content. Zoom-to-write lets you handwrite smaller text. The new batch export and wifi share features allow users to export all their notebooks to PDF/HTML/Text at a time, and download all these documents to their Mac/PC via wifi network.

iNotes for iPad takes care of all kinds of user inputs, such as text typing, handwriting and image/webpage/map clippings. Most of the existing note taking apps on App Store help users do fast note taking. Lots of them provide a very good experience in handwriting on iPad. We think thats good but not enough as a good note taking app on iPad. Because the reality is that sometimes users need to do copy/paste. They find good information from webpage or their email, and want to keep them into their note app. Almost all handwriting note apps do not allow users to paste text. iNotes for iPad does both and more. Users can type in with their iPad keyboard or handwrite their content. If you like put web url or location info onto your notes, no problem. iNotes will take a screenshot from the webpage or the map, and clip it to your note page. iNotes for iPad has been considered a tool to help users do serious note taking work by so many professionals.

What iNotes for iPad can do:
1. Text note input with academic symbols input and textboxes for better page layout.
2. Text highlighting.
3. Handwriting and chart drawing using the PEN tool.
4. Zoom-in to the paper and allow to handwrite smaller text.
5. Palm protection to allow users to rest their palm on the screen while handwriting.
6. Clipping pictures from photo library/pasteboard/camera.
7. Clipping webpage snapshot or map snapshot.
8. Manage note pages with notebooks.
9. Color-coded notebooks enables users to find notebooks faster.
10. Password protection for your important notebooks.
11. Search note pages with specific keyword.
12. Export entire notebook or selected pages to PDF/HTML/Text doucuments, and all exported documents can be accessed via iTunes shared folder.
13. Email exported documents.
14. Upload exported documents to dropbox.
15. Open exported PDF in your favorite PDF reader app.
16. Download all exported notebook documents from desktop browser via wifi share service.

iNotes for iPad is one of the first iPad note taking apps allowing you to export your note content to HTML format, including all Text, Highlightings and Handwrings notes!! iNotes users now can open their exported notes easily in a modern browser on any platform. Now it also supports dropbox upload. Users now can upload notes to one of the famous cloud file storage provider, Dropbox.

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